Tuesday 6 June 2017

FILSDAK (Filipino International Seventh Day Adventist Church)

FILSDAK is about a 5 minute walk from the Hoegi train station, about 20 minutes from Seoul station via the subway. It's a Filipino church but all the services are in English and quite a few other foreigners go there.

To get there follow the following directions from Hoegi station.

1. When you come up off the platform the first thing you will see are the turnstiles.

2. Now go out the main doors and turn right towards exit 2.

3. At the end of this short hallway turn left and go down the stairs

4. If you look backwards at the bottom of the stairs you will see this view.

5. Looking forwards you will see this view straight ahead.

6. If you look to the right you will see this.

7. Further right you'll see a narrow road, go down that road.

8. If you look backwards when you have started down this road you will see this view.

9. And looking forward you will see this.

10. The road ends at at T-intersection, turn left and there will be a crossing right there. Cross the main road to the other side.

11. Once you have crossed the road turn left and go straight ahead. You will cross two small side roads almost immediately, just keep going straight ahead.


12. Just keep going...

13. Eventually on the left you will come to a building with a stone veranda currently between an Olleh and a Paris Baguette - but that could change at any time because shops change in Korea all the time. So look for the stone veranda. If you come to another road you've gone too far.

14. Go into the building under the sign on the right that says PC.

15. Half way down the hall you will find an elevator, take it to the fifth (5) floor.

16. When you come out of the elevator turn right and go all the way to the end, turn right again and you will see the door into the church.

The FILSDAK address in Korean is:

서울시 동대문구 망우로 74 태정빌딩 5층



  1. Hello Brethren;

    I am Edwin Kakule from Uganda (EA), Early next month, I shall be travelling to South Korea for a short term training which we last for 2 to 3 weeks. At Cheonan Training Institute

    Can I Please be guided on the near by SDA English speaking church that I can easily acces for Sabbath worship

    Worm Regards

  2. Hi, my name is Bonke from Kenya currently in Korea, Cheonan.
    I'm looking for an English speaking church near me.
    Please help.
    Thank you .

  3. There is also an International English-speaking congregation on the campus of Sahmyook University, in East Seoul. The address is. Seoul, Nowon-gu Hwarang-ro 815. The English church meets in John Hall Basement floor, with Sabbath School starting at 10:50 am worship starting at 11:10am

  4. There is an international church at Namyoung Station, just one stop away from Seoul Station.
    Take exit 1 and cross the street from Krispy Kreme. Go into the alley and you will see the SDA signboard as soon as you enter the alley. The congregation are mixed Korrans and many foreigners. Very kind members.
    Sabbath School at 10:00-10:30,
    Lesson Study at 10:30-11:30
    Divine Service at 1:30-12:30 Delicious lunch every Sabbath,
    Art class from 1:30-4:00,
    Bible study for each cell group from 2:00-3:30
    Violin/Cello/Flute at 3:00-4:30
    Harmonica class at 4:00-5:00
    Adventurer/Pathfinder at 2:00-3:00

    There are members from different continents except Antarctica.
    Please come and visit.

    1. Correction:
      Divine Service at 11:30-12:30

  5. Lived in South Korea for 3 years and attended FILSDAK for 2 years. Best church community I have ever had. Thankful to God for this group of individuals.
